Friday, July 23, 2010

in love??????

When you are in love, the world seems like a great place to live in.
Love has that effect on everyone.
Life seems worthy of living and fate seems more giving.
Being in love is therefore one of the most enriching and precious experiences of one's life.
The following "in love" quotes discuss what it is like to be enriched by love.

Words cannot express the grief one feels when one loses love.
Then again, wise words can heal wounds and help us reflect on the tragedy.
If you have undergone a personal loss
-- the loss of love or of a loved one --
you will find this list of lost love quotes very relevant.


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sekadar pingitan

Wanita solehah.. Perlu diingat kecantikanmu bukan bahan tontonan.. Kecantikanmu bukan suatu kebanggaan.. Cantik rupamu perlu dihias dengan hiasan iman,ilmu & akhlak.. Indah pekertimu,elok peribadimu.. Pastinya kau idaman lElAki budiman..Kau bakal serikandi terbilang.. Kau bakal isteri solehah di sisi seorang suami idaman.. Kau bakal ummi kesayangan buat insan yang bakal kau lahirkan.. Penyeri hidup kau & dia..